Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sin, Society, Writing, and Worship.

     Some days, you start something and end up with something entirely different; you've tugged on a thread and it led to all manner of discoveries, both good and bad! Thus with today's posting: I started out to write about the meditation I just did on temptation, but that instantly brought to mind a book I just read.
     Stuart Woods has a series of books about Stone Barrington: lawyer and Lothario. I am just amazed at the number of women bedded by this urbane character with nary a hint that multiple liaisons take something precious, high and holy, and turn it into a shallow toy ( say nothing of being medically risky, says the doctor in me!)
     Gack! How politically incorrect of me! How old-fashioned! How judgmental! How now, brown cow?
     Interesting that our culture now defends behaviors that have always been wrong in the all-seeing eyes of the timeless LORD. Standing up for "traditional morality," that is, for God's teachings, is now at best fuddy-duddy folly, and usually "hating."
     Our culture, as reflected in popular literature (and music), has turned its back on a moral code and on the Author thereof. Granted, we need literature that is deeper than Pollyanna, more intriguing that the heavy-handed allegory that is PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, and more readable than Charles Dickens. But, most pop literature, as with pop cinema and TV and music and art, panders to the baser desires of humankind. In short--we read and watch rather trashy entertainment that would likely have been deplored, scorned, and banned by our grandparents. Think about it--how many things a week do we do that we'd be ashamed if observed by our mother/grandmother/great-aunt? Hmmm?
      Okay, enough sermonizing. I pledge to be uplifting, to leave off whining/moaning about pop culture, and to feast on the riches of truly great books and art and cinema--it's out there, and if we all stop buying/watching/listening to the trashy stuff...perhaps not only will we change ourselves but our culture as well. Whattaya think?

PS: don't care for my beliefs or value system? I'm receptive to friendly discussion. But if all you want to do is rant, write your own blog, pls.

PPS: Click on the little yellow diagonal "pencil" to leave a comment below.

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