Friday, June 13, 2014

Editing, life, and hard choices.

(Antoine de Saint-Exupery.)

Lord, take away my impatience--except for my eager expectation of Your return.

Lord, take away my cynicism--I don't know how many times You've admonished humankind that our mouths are lethal weapons that should never be aimed with evil intent!

Lord, take away my reliance on me...and substitute reliance on Thee!

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Okay, this was going to be a blog about writing, not applied theology! But, in matters non-mathematical, (or animal or mineral--extra points for identifying the opus alluded to!) you gotta listen to your heart, where occasionally that Still, Small Voice actually can shove a word in edgewise!

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So, what am I cutting out?
--This past Lenten time, I cut out time-wasters on the computer. It was liberating.
--In my writing, I am cutting out excess verbiage. Often, I emphasize by saying the same thing in two or three different ways...but why not say it with sufficient punch, panache, and passion the first time?
--When we moved, we cut a lot of possessions out of our lives. Felt good then. Feels good now. Stuff and clutter just sit there, soaking up your energy, dulling your attention, so just clean up one small surface today. Right now--if you think this applies to you, and you know who you is--don't duck it. Do it! (David, this means y-o-u: clean up this desk! Now!)

Friday, June 6, 2014

Gotta Read!

Where shall we go, you and I,
   on two wheels so sweet?
Anywhere, we have no care
   and need nothing to eat:
We'll dream our dreams
   inside the covers
and share our joys
   as gonzo book-lovers!


Yes, this is almost what my little three-wheeled scooter looked like when we returned from the library two weeks ago! When you're an addict, MORE is always better! Art, travel, biography, and fiction all rode home, bouncing in my basket or waving wildly in a bag on my handlebars!

Not only do I HAVE to read...but in my reading I find inspiration to that sagacious Stephen King said, "If you want to write, you need to read. A lot." or words to that effect.

What writer has absolutely charmed you, cannot wait to read more? Curious people want to know (in comments below?)

BTW, looks like my front tire needs a little air...I suspect nobody who knows me well would ever worry about my running out of (hot) air!