Monday, February 4, 2013

2/4/13: Walking and looking for...what?

The GREATEST SECRET of life...we all find exactly what we're looking for...ultimately, whether our lives are good or bad, ugly or beautiful.
      --The Walk. Richard Paul Evans.

What am I looking for? Goodness and beauty and, ultimately, the Source of all goodness. Is writing a valid avenue for that search? I sure hope so. There are days when I wonder if I oughta be investing my energies in another arena...but, there are times when someone says, "David, I was just reading one of your daily devotions, and it really moved me. Thank you." That's when I remind myself that, per my theology, there is a definite adversary out there who wants to oppose anything and everything good.

How to tell when it's satanic opposition? If what we're pursuing would be something undilutedly good for self or others, then it's like spiritual forces that are working to make the way dark, the road steep, and the headwind to be numbing.

That's when that old-fashioned perseverance comes into play--gotta keep on going, walking one footstep at a time, one after the other. Whew. Hang in there gang!

If you haven't read the author cited above, I do recommend him. Some might say he's a bit schmaltzy, but I don't think he's just sugar and bubblegum--there's a core of truthful seeking and seeking of truth, and a heart that wants to do right by people and that is willing to admit that not all the answers are simple to find or enact. Refreshing.

Any books or an author that has led you to walk further down the road? Care to share?

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I would appreciate and might even enjoy your dialogue!