Thursday, March 28, 2013

If it's good enuff for Peppermint Patty...

In "Peanuts," Peppermint Patty struggled greatly at school. In one cartoon, she cries, "I know the answer! The answer lies within the heart of all mankind!"

(Next frame)

"The answer is 12? I think I'm in the wrong building!"


The successful writer often is found in the wrong building, due to thinking just like Peppy Patty's.


Perhaps there is not only more than one building--there's more than one right answer, perhaps there's a whole parallel universe where there are different questions...and it's my job as a writer to make this alternate universe pop off the page and swell up to life-sized video/audio/feel-a-vision and smell-a-vision...oh, heck, tasty-vision, too! YUM!

Remember the last book you just lost yourself to? For me, re-reading the HOBBIT was just that--3-D touchy-feely-dreamy-ahhhhhness! Or, the novel so full of suspense or action that you just couldn't set it aside? I just read a coupla James Patterson's where it was hard to put the book down in order to get to bed by midnight. Successful author, he creates an answer that may not be in the heart of all mankind, but it resonates for plenty of us!

Let's think outside the box, outside the building, outside of ourselves...I wonder what it may lead us to?

PS: other blog posts are archived...scroll down and click on one of the months to see my older posts.

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I would appreciate and might even enjoy your dialogue!