Saturday, April 6, 2013

Hurry and scurry!

"The ability to appreciate beauty is a gift from God."


I like the quote above, because it so perfectly balances another quote, from the Quaker author, Richard Foster: "Noise, hurry, and crowds are of the devil."

What do you find most helps you to slow down and appreciate beauty and peace?

Sitting quietly outside and just gazing at my yard, then the trees in the near distance, and finally the mtns and the sky in the far distance--that helps me to slow down and to think, to think slowly, widely, and deeply. I sit, quietly, enjoying the chirping and twittering of the various birds. When a huge, black raven swoops low with a surprisingly loud "whooosshh" and its guttural croak...I laugh at my startle-reflex! When I think of the breadth of all creation, it takes me far from me, my stuff, my concerns, and lifts up my heart/mind/spirit.

Do you have trouble slowing down? Trouble sitting quietly, without earbuds, without smartphone at hand? Without TV blathering in the background? What'll it take for you to make some moments for calmness, for quietness, for simply sitting still? Eh? No ideas come to mind? Well, have a little chat about this with someone...or just with yourself. Seriously, if you don't make/take/borrow/schedule or steal time for you--well, just who are you expecting to step in and do that for you?

"But, that's selfish!"
"No, that's taking care of yourself, so you've got some resources to draw on. Then and only then will you have something to give back to others."

It is often said that a good writer is a good reader, studying both the craftsmanship (or lack thereof) and creativity of other authors. But, I would add that the good writer also takes time for quietness, time for the spirit and the imagination to pal around and see what they may turn up!

Interesting, that hurry and scurry not only rhyme with, but add to, worry. Wondering what to do with your worries, as well as your hurries and scurries? For me, being involved in something bigger than me, outside of me...such as writing, such as faith...something that I need to invest creativity and heart and mind in...that helps a lot!

PS: there's a little yellow pencil icon below where you can make comments.
PPS: old blog posts can be accessed via the monthly archives listed in the column on right, scrolling down a tad.
PPPS: Peace!

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I would appreciate and might even enjoy your dialogue!