Friday, June 13, 2014

Editing, life, and hard choices.

(Antoine de Saint-Exupery.)

Lord, take away my impatience--except for my eager expectation of Your return.

Lord, take away my cynicism--I don't know how many times You've admonished humankind that our mouths are lethal weapons that should never be aimed with evil intent!

Lord, take away my reliance on me...and substitute reliance on Thee!

* * * * * * * * * * * * 

Okay, this was going to be a blog about writing, not applied theology! But, in matters non-mathematical, (or animal or mineral--extra points for identifying the opus alluded to!) you gotta listen to your heart, where occasionally that Still, Small Voice actually can shove a word in edgewise!

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So, what am I cutting out?
--This past Lenten time, I cut out time-wasters on the computer. It was liberating.
--In my writing, I am cutting out excess verbiage. Often, I emphasize by saying the same thing in two or three different ways...but why not say it with sufficient punch, panache, and passion the first time?
--When we moved, we cut a lot of possessions out of our lives. Felt good then. Feels good now. Stuff and clutter just sit there, soaking up your energy, dulling your attention, so just clean up one small surface today. Right now--if you think this applies to you, and you know who you is--don't duck it. Do it! (David, this means y-o-u: clean up this desk! Now!)

Friday, June 6, 2014

Gotta Read!

Where shall we go, you and I,
   on two wheels so sweet?
Anywhere, we have no care
   and need nothing to eat:
We'll dream our dreams
   inside the covers
and share our joys
   as gonzo book-lovers!


Yes, this is almost what my little three-wheeled scooter looked like when we returned from the library two weeks ago! When you're an addict, MORE is always better! Art, travel, biography, and fiction all rode home, bouncing in my basket or waving wildly in a bag on my handlebars!

Not only do I HAVE to read...but in my reading I find inspiration to that sagacious Stephen King said, "If you want to write, you need to read. A lot." or words to that effect.

What writer has absolutely charmed you, cannot wait to read more? Curious people want to know (in comments below?)

BTW, looks like my front tire needs a little air...I suspect nobody who knows me well would ever worry about my running out of (hot) air!

Monday, May 19, 2014


Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out that they have a second wind.

-Wm. James.

Many people never even walk, too handicapped by dream-sappers.

Many people never crawl, too scared to stand and shout down those internalized nay-saying voices.

Many people travel wearily from job to meal to television-induced fog to bed. Yet, I, I strongly suspect that in all of us, there the seed of a creative idea, lurking inert, waiting for even the tiniest pot of soil with a dash of water and TLC.

What creative spark lurks in you that you've never quite dared to bring out into the open? Sketching? Sculpting? Writing poetry or songs? Something that feels too humble to ever express to another human?

C'mon, take that seed out of the paper seed-packet and plant it--who knows what exposure to some dirt, water, and the light of day may lead to? You'll never know, will ya, till y'try? Why wait till you're old/tired/retired? Do it now...and keep going...

Here's where my title word comes to play...most of us only achieve excellence after countless tries. Did you know that the average number of times it takes to successfully quit smoking is five? Five serious efforts, defining "serious" as--enrolled in a program, took meds, had hypnosis, etc.

It is estimated that it takes 10,000 hours for a concert-level musician to arrive at that high level of accomplishment. We've probably all wasted 10,000 hours watching television...howzabout investing that time in...well, why don't you tell me? (comments section below?)

This is not to discourage us, but rather to say, "Hey! Let's start racking up the hours, NOW!" Turn off the TV/video games/Facebook/texting and start DOING/MAKING/BUILDING/CREATING.

== == == == ==
"The longest journey...begins by taking the first step."

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


   Yesterday I was conversing with a catbird. She was being a bit shy, until her mother swept out of the bushes and cuffed her smartly, muttering something about talking to strangers. How did Mumsy know I was strange?
   Stranger things have happened. While I was basking in the warm sunlight, book in hand (THE BOOK OF MISCHIEF, by Stern, a collection of short stories--zany!) a complete stranger came up to me. Asking what I was reading, he riposted with not one but two books he'd recently devoured. How strangely delightful, to talk about books with someone whose name I don't even know! We wished one another good day, and as he toddled off with his curiously silent companion, I wondered if she was not a reader, or was she simply aware that there was no dishonor in surrendering to silence in the presence of two lads with the gift of the blarney?

   I love this graphic...almost as much as I love the punchy intent of the caption. Turn off that clamoring small screen and step onto this bookstrewn path--let your own imagination paint pictures for you rather than being force-fed pablum by the writers/producers/directors and advertisers.

   I typo-ed the above ppg to read, "I live this graphic..." Hmmm, I hope so!

   What are you reading now? I just started ESSAYS OF E. B. WHITE, 1977. These are delightful glimpses of a gone-by world whose echoes yet linger...but are fading with my generation. The writing seems effortless and fluid, which of course means that he polished his phrases in loving labor. The topics are whimsical and homey. Get your hands on this book if you like reminiscences that are both personal yet universal, drawing on life from NYC to small-town Maine.

   I'm also reading the afore-mentioned BOOK OF MISCHIEF, where dreams come true and whimsy turns to tragedy. Plus, I'm plugging through THE FIELD GUIDE TO BIRDS AND WILDFLOWERS OF CASCO BAY AND PEAKS ISLAND...which describes the view out my front window! I'm also plugging away at the Great Books, which is a topic to be revisited anon.

   Elizabeth thinks I'm nutso to read two or three books at once, but I like to have something whimsical or fluffy to counter-balance a "chew-thoroughly-before-swallowing" book like the ESSAYS. (I think she's nutso to read the last page of a book before its turn, so, we're even!)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014



The blogger has been "on hiatus" for a bit, due to relocation...some 2700 miles across the country. I rather missed this discipline of writing something with (I hope) a bit of substance to it on a regular basis.

While not a huge fan of the Bronte sisters, I find myself in agreement with the graphic!


   Closed door.
     Open door.

Ensconced in Maine once again,
   wondering what the future holds?

The future flows to the brave and bold.
   (Thus, per my parents told)
Fortune favors those who work
   Not the ones whose duty shirk.

This yr, I'll be working on marketing the books that are occupying closet space...
...anyone for a good book? Gifts? For yourself?

--working on more stories for my grand kids,
--continuing to write a poem a day,
--plugging away at reading "the great books" using the sample list toward the bottom of this Wikipedia page,
--working on a fictionalized biography of King Solomon,

and, listening to the Still, Small Voice.