Monday, May 19, 2014


Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out that they have a second wind.

-Wm. James.

Many people never even walk, too handicapped by dream-sappers.

Many people never crawl, too scared to stand and shout down those internalized nay-saying voices.

Many people travel wearily from job to meal to television-induced fog to bed. Yet, I, I strongly suspect that in all of us, there the seed of a creative idea, lurking inert, waiting for even the tiniest pot of soil with a dash of water and TLC.

What creative spark lurks in you that you've never quite dared to bring out into the open? Sketching? Sculpting? Writing poetry or songs? Something that feels too humble to ever express to another human?

C'mon, take that seed out of the paper seed-packet and plant it--who knows what exposure to some dirt, water, and the light of day may lead to? You'll never know, will ya, till y'try? Why wait till you're old/tired/retired? Do it now...and keep going...

Here's where my title word comes to play...most of us only achieve excellence after countless tries. Did you know that the average number of times it takes to successfully quit smoking is five? Five serious efforts, defining "serious" as--enrolled in a program, took meds, had hypnosis, etc.

It is estimated that it takes 10,000 hours for a concert-level musician to arrive at that high level of accomplishment. We've probably all wasted 10,000 hours watching television...howzabout investing that time in...well, why don't you tell me? (comments section below?)

This is not to discourage us, but rather to say, "Hey! Let's start racking up the hours, NOW!" Turn off the TV/video games/Facebook/texting and start DOING/MAKING/BUILDING/CREATING.

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"The longest journey...begins by taking the first step."

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I would appreciate and might even enjoy your dialogue!