Showing posts with label prioritizing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prioritizing. Show all posts

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year.

So what?

What's new about it? Have you tried anything, done anything, mastered/read/studied/disciplined yrself for anything yet?

If not, why not? Get off yer duff and go and DO!

What? Whattabout me? yer asks?

Unfair--I'm playing the role of Mr. Interlocutor! Really.

Oh, phooey. Well, since you insist:

This is the yr when I study in much greater depth the fascinating world of investing. This is the yr that I sit back and re-evaluate myself as a writer. This is the yr that I--wha? What am I doing now, today, this week?

Okay, I'm making lists go away: I'm doing or consolidating, acting and/or discarding...fewer potentials and more actuals. Today I threw out several pages that needed transcribing, several scrids of paper after actually performing the prescribed action, and prioritized what remains. I'm tracking things in my email by using draft copies--I can update and save the draft and it's right there at hand, easily edited and saved...nice.

Oh, and my resolution to do a poem a day? Doing it.

My annual read thru the Bible? Yep...on track with this plan, which is a new one to me:

My next goal is to start reading more serious works and less fluff...just copied down a great-books list and hope to get going on that soon. Inspired after reading A MIND FOR GOD by James Emery White...a brief but compelling book about the need to train the brain.

Howzabout you? Where are you at in this "new" year? Anything truly newly happening? Lemme know, below, ya know?