Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Story Behind the Story: part 4--the PROCESS.

    okay, you guessed it, the voices are at it again.

"Think, dream, wonder, ask..."
             Oops, stop right now and put fingers to the keyboard.

"But, I'm having some great ideas!"
             No idea is great unless it's given form and boundary.

"Some ideas are without boundaries."
             Great. Write 'em down anyhow. Anyway...but not any-when!

"But, that interferes with my creative process."
             Can't call it creative if it don't create nothin'!

            Bum-glue. Stick yer bum in the chair, yer fingers to the keyboard, and go!

"But, I need to consult my muses for inspiration."
            We are your muse, and your muse is telling you to consult your fingers--they're 
            the only way us muses gain a voice. Right?

"Well, when you put it that way..."
            'That way,' nothing. The only way to be fair to your muses is to get us out
            where others can listen and see and wonder and judge for themselves.


Hmmph. So, when do I get to listen to my muses?

Every day. Read, walk, drive, meditate, listen to music, ponder great (or not-so-great) art and literature; watch people and birds and animals and trees and plants. Reading good poetry widens my thinking and my appreciation for many of the little daily goodnesses all around us. The "creative process" captures all those thoughts and observations and endeavors to give them focus or meaning or balance or story.
Or poem.
Or song.

Hmmph. Okay...go away. I'm writing. And leave the door closed behind you, thnx.

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I would appreciate and might even enjoy your dialogue!