Sunday, September 22, 2013

   "The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark."
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Now, what goal(s) do you think old Mikey had in mind?
--Sistine Chapel? check.
--Go down in history as one of the greatest...? I'm bettin NOPE on this one--it's not measurable/attainable, and reeks of narcissism.
But, isn't every creative person a narcissist? Ya know, "PLEEZ, look at ME and what great stuff I've painted/sculpted/composed/written!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![etc.]"
Anyhoo, back to setting goals...I read this a long time ago: good goals are S-M-A-R-T goals:
S--SIMPLE: you can state it inna few words, no more than a ppgh.
M--MEASURABLE: there's something you can objectively measure/assess, as in "Write 100 pages a day. Paint the south side of the barn today. Run a marathon this weekend."
A--ACHIEVABLE: you don't have to be Superman or Wonder Woman...guess that eliminates the hunnerd pages a day, huh?
R--RELEVANT: if you don't really care and nobody else does--what kinda goal is that? "Hi, I wanna be irrelevant today. Vote for me for Congress."
T--TIMELY (or, TIME-COURSE): "I wanna build the best typewriters in the world" just aint gonna cut it anymore...or, it's gotta time-line that works...such as, "I'll finish writing this chapter of my book in ten days, take a day off, write the outline for the next chapter the next day, edit for the following morning, then start the first draft of chapter two that aft."

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I would appreciate and might even enjoy your dialogue!