Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Human life is inherently creative

Human life is inherently creative. It's why we all have different résumés.
It's why human culture is so interesting and diverse and dynamic.
Ken Robertson

Quick, name one book that you love!

Now, scroll down to the bottom and enter it as a comment.

Thnx. Now, can you list reasons why you loved this book? Share 'em if you'd like... but I'm as curious to know that you can put your finger on some reasons as I am in knowing what they are.

In keeping with today's quote, I'm betting that each reader thought of a different book title--we are marvelously diverse and interesting. See, you're not boring at all! And don't let anyone say otherwise.

As a singular creation of the good Lord, what is your unique pursuit/calling/interest/service-to-others? Comfy in that knowledge, in that role?

If not, then do some reading in that department. Pursue the areas that delight you, that fulfill you, where work and play are almost hard to separate. Then, I'd suggest some passages from the Bible, such as "...but whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, as serving the Lord..." (blending a coupla words from Ecc 9:10 into Col. 3:23). Another might be the very simple Matthew 6: 33, "...seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Read a bunch of the Bible's mentions of something like, "...with all your heart," or, "whole heart," just to get you started.

Okay, itsa very short sermon...so, I'll take up an offering and say, "Amen." [the offering would be what you've entered in the comments section...THNX!]

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I would appreciate and might even enjoy your dialogue!