Tuesday, June 4, 2013

God wants us to grow and discover

God wants us to grow and discover...and He accompanies us as we pursue deeper knowledge and understanding of Him and His world and His people.
                 --Loyola Press, daily retreats.

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"...pursue deeper knowledge and understanding..." I really like that. Reminds me of the mental ferment of college/med school. While I enjoyed learning in high school, much was just factual knowledge, but college was much more analytical. "Why didn't we ever explore the 'whys' like this in high school? I'd have loved US History then!" was one thought that came back rather often. Or, reading stuff like the bio of Ben Franklin or John Adams--that gives a framework on which to hang US history--again, too bad things aren't taught that way.
In my senior yr of college, taking an economics course, I went to the library and read another book on econ theory. No prof had ever suggested doing anything outside the curric--why didn't this light dawn earlier? Regardless, I cite it as an example of the pursuit of deeper and wider understanding of God's world.
Pursuing a plot line that is populated by characters of my own devising--now that's a pursuit that would be almost too much fun to call work! Except, of course, that it is hard work. What are my biggest challenges?
--the tyranny of the urgent: there's always some other little project here or there that is slightly higher on the perceived priority list
--writing too much detail, getting bogged down...shoot, if I think it's boring, it's gonna be even worse for a reader...and then, I'm tempted to spend time editing/fixing/re-writing that problem ppgh rather than just plowing forward. Right, like a snowplow in winter--just make your first pass and get the road open, don't try to get the road perfectly clean and cleared all the way to the edge! Besides, if the plow comes to a stop, it may have a hard time getting restarted if the grade is steep and the heavy snow is deep. (THIS IS HILARIOUS! It's high 90s out right now, here in the Arizona desert!!!)
--did I mention distractions, I was just thinking about something else, right after I Googled an idea, oh, and then had to write it in an email to myself as a reminder...?
Okay, in all seriousness, how am I doing with the pursuit of knowledge of God, his people, and his world?
Let's run with this question...I'll be back later, after reflecting for a bit. Meanwhile, hop on in to the discussion.

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