Tuesday, May 28, 2013

On Grazing.

Little blocks of time and effort may yield great outcomes.
--D. Lyn Wood.


I was reading this blog, pondering a bit, and wondering how applicable this concept of "grazing" was...no, wondering how generalizable it was. When I was a family physician teaching my patients about dieting, I would often tell them a similar story of grazing as did the author of the blog link above. "Eat a little here, a little there, and make sure it's healthy, avoiding dips and dressings on your fruits and veggies."

I quite enjoyed how that author and the many who commented applied "grazing," particularly to the task of writing. My first book, JOURNEY TO THE HEART OF GOD, was written while I was still working full time, taking my nights and weekends on call, teaching Sunday School, attending board meetings, and giving attention to my wife and three kids...oh, you get the drift. Anyhoo, I wrote that 500 page book in spite of other things going on.

What have you been putting off, "I don't have enough time"? Especially, "I cannot put enough time together at once to be worth it."

Humbug, say the majority of comments on that blog about grazing, agreeing that, as with most things in life, slow but steady still wins most races. It's just a case of redefining "steady" to mean, "steadily coming back to the task and adding another several strides down the road."

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