Monday, March 18, 2013

Can you bear it?

Once upon a time, there were three bears:
a poppa bear,
   a momma bear,
      and a Camembert.
(Geo. Kaufman)
   Some days, I feel so witty (and pretty, and bright) that I cannot bear it. When I finally focus enough to start writing, the silliness sometimes needs to simply work its way out of my I write silly stuff. Sometimes it remains goofy garbage; sometimes it morphs into something with lasting humor; sometimes it leads to a mordant insight that would never have emerged if I hadn't started down silly lane...akin to this moment.
   More simply stated--ignore your mood, and follow your calling. Is it to love your kids? They don't care if you started the board game or the book with an attitude in your heart that was less-than-perfect--just do it. Is your calling to please your boss with your attention to detail? Again, NIKE--just do it...oh, and quit yer whining, that's just grump-fertilizer, making things worse. Buckle down and do it. If your calling requires a different attitude than what you're sporting now--hey, you get to choose your attitude. You respond to life's vicissitudes (gosh, I love that word, but don't get to use it much!) with a choice: will you be reactive or pro-active? You don't need me to tell you that there's really only one mature response to this question. Duh. Do it.
   I subscribe to or visit a number of writing-related web sites. Most advice rattles on for several ppghs, but could be boiled down to this: Nike...just do it. No excuses/rationalizing, just shuddup, siddown, and get to work.

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