Showing posts with label squelch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label squelch. Show all posts

Friday, October 11, 2013


SERENDIPITY--Lady Luck or Still Small Voice?

When an inane idea wends its way out of the murky recesses of your mind, what do you do with it? Laugh and dismiss it? Shake your head in dismay? Tell someone? Write it down? Too kooky for words...sez you, or sez who?--  too often, there's someone ELSE'S voice in our head, a critical relative/friend/teacher/tormentor, who delights in shooting holes in any and all ideas.

When someone says, "Oh, I don't have any imagination," I argue: I think it's an affront to yourself and your Maker to claim zero imagination!

"Sure you do! You just have been on the receiving end of the squelch button too many times, and now you've given up on creativity...or, you've learned, over the years, to squelch for yourself all those fun ideas that have wahoo-wide boundaries!"

Ideas for stories? Endless. Ability to sit me down and construct something out of that first flicker of an idea? Oof...that's why writing and the other creative pursuits require hard work and perseverance.

Okay, back to the story behind the story...after I wrote about the sloths of Christmas, another little nudge landed, on the same tender rib--HEY! WRITE ABOUT ANOTHER ANIMAL IN THE NATIVITY STORY!

Some nudges in the ribcage are all-caps, bold. Some nudges come with barely a size-5 font whisper. And some nudges are only perceived during times of meditation and prayer.

Others occur at very busy times and must be heeded immediately........

Oops! Buh-bye, gotta write!

"Imagination: the unsupervised mind at play."
DLS, 2013