Showing posts with label books unread. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books unread. Show all posts

Thursday, March 6, 2014

There are too many books I haven’t read, too many places I haven’t seen, too many memories I haven’t kept long enough.
--Irving Shaw--

There's something about that quote that I resonate with. Let's start with books:
--first, I keep a list of books to read. Some have been recommended by friends. Others I've read reviews. Others are continuations of series.
--then, there are the lists of "best books of..." the 20th century...the decade, etc.
--finally, there are the "Great books." A few colleges make this cluster of classics the foundation of their curriculum.

Last year I read 125 books. 37 were non-fiction, or so they claimed! This year I'm putting a bigger emphasis on classics of fiction/Great Books, and on non-fiction.

Next, today's quote laments places not yet seen...I know that tugs at a lot of people's hearts and minds. Mine too. We drive by a little copse of woods and I think, I'd love to go poke around and see what there is to be found--a stand of wildflowers? artifacts of yesteryear? a glimpse of wildlife? a memory to be stored away for a rainy day?

We drive over a stream and I wonder, what's around that next bend?

We go thru an historic town and I think--I'd like to mosey around, then read some of their local history.

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I guess those are some of the reasons that I write: I can explore, analyze, and remember--some of it fictive, some factual, and all of it a feast for my God-given curiosity--may it lead me straight to the Source!