Monday, August 19, 2013

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”
― Plutarch
"But, once kindled, it must continue to be fueled."
I have to agree strongly with one of my favorite writers, that refueling at the "glass teat" is not nourishing. And if Stephen King sez it...
He says to unplug your television, or for even more fun, take a hammer to it!
Now, I know you're already rushing to defend this channel or that program...but the point is, reading is generally more stretching to the mind than is mere watching. Reading involves many more brain circuits, as you need to generate the images and sounds (and other senses) awl by youw're wittle wonesome sewlf...without a director/producer/etc deciding exactly what you will see or hear. And, and what you won't!
Really, I don't hate everything about TV, but I do lament that the AVERAGE American household consumes some 30 hours of programming per week....and, how much of that do you think is fuel for the mind? Just put your best guess in the comments section below! 
I've yet to hear a writer or visual artist say, "Yes, this work was inspired by xyz-program."
What does inspire this writer? Other books, to be sure. Talking with real, live people who dialogue with me, people whose warts and witticisms are obvious and occurring live, in real-time...ahem, just as are mine!
What else inspires me? Music! Outdoors! Vistas. Did I mention books? More books. Magazines. Kids of all ages. Museums. A sense of the divine.
What inspires you, keeps your fires well-fueled?

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I would appreciate and might even enjoy your dialogue!