Sunday, February 17, 2013

"Just do it." Or...not.

For all sad words of tongue or pen
the saddest of all are, 'It might have been.'
--John Greenleaf Whittier.

One famous writer reportedly stated, "I have several books complete, all in my head...I have but to write them down." (If memory serves, it was Coleridge, but I cannot find anything to confirm such. But, while searching, I came upon some interesting titles for future reading!)

27 different publishers rejected Dr. Seuss's first book, To Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.

30 publishers reject Stephen King's first novel, Carrie.

Feel bad for them? Pah! Mere pikers: Jack London accrued received six hundred rejection slips before his first story was finally accepted. White Fang and Call of the Wild, as you well know, went on to become (pardon the pun) roaring best sellers.

So, persevere, stick to it, never quit, and never listen to the critics on the sidelines. Assemble a team of friends, family, or whoever that will cheer you on AND hold your feet to the fire!

Don't simply dream big...
      don't merely set goals...
           don't have high hopes...
                unless you plan on becoming a doer rather than a dreamer.


=-=-=-=-=- like a politician: "FIRE! Ready. Aim."

OR...just sit there, lulled by distractions on your smartphone oryour tablet computer, or sit there and let television narcotize you (legitimate word, at least in medical circles: Narcotic is the root; as in, "Television, the opiate of the masses," to update the Karl Marx quote to the 20th/21st centuries).

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I would appreciate and might even enjoy your dialogue!