Sunday, August 22, 2021

SSSC--Works: Jas 2 (On FB today, 05.22.21)

 WORKS 2.0

Forgive us, Lord, for we have loved the institution more than the people who ARE your church; Forgive us, Lord, for we have cared more about doctrine and correctness than your people round the world; Forgive us Lord, for we have sought our own comfort more than compassion for the poor in our midst;
Forgive us, Lord, for we proclaim the profundities of our faith while our works are feeble and vain; Forgive us, Lord, for we have loved Netflix
and phones more than you we are idolators and unworthy-- Lord, have mercy upon us: open our ears and soften our hearts to love and live your way...Amen.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

It was a refreshing wind...

It is one of those beautiful summer evenings, when the moon is almost full, way up in the sky, highlighting a few clouds. Thunderstorms just rolled through, windy and loud and full of flash and flare--there are still a few distant jags of lightning in the south. The humidity has not all been washed out of the air, but the air still feels cooler and refreshed.

For some reason, my mind wandered in the direction of Pentecost, when the fresh wind of the spirit blew over the gathered disciples. While I doubt that the breeze that day was cooling, I suspect that the gathering was refreshed and energized in a manner never before experienced by any one of them!

Thinking of breezes, when Elijah was in the wilderness, before God manifested as the little whispering voice, an earthquake and a rock-crushing wind were the opening acts.

Jesus told his audience that while they can feel the effect of the wind, the wind remains an invisible force...
I wonder if the wind of the spirit has had any visible effects in your life, or in my life, lately? The simple answer is, of course. And you're reading it right now.

Lord, blow through our lives, blow away the chaff, and instill fresh air within us. To your glory, amen.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Top-Heavy Musings for 4/18/2020, or, day 25 of Shelter in Place.

I am enjoying the irony of rain falling here in Portland, Maine, as it's snowing south of us in Massachusetts, but, Lord, they really need the snow in Greenland and so forth, as the ice melt is at record levels there! 

As is true for most weekends,one of the Icelandic container ships is in port. This weekend it's the Lagerfoss--I love this about Iceland: they name their ships after waterfalls, and their airplanes with the names of Icelandic glaciers! Sitting here at my desk, I enjoy the movement of the containers from the yard on to the container ship. I wonder what might be in all those containers: most all of them simply arrived on the back of a truck or are transferred from the rail spur, but occasionally I see them loading automobiles into a container. Sometimes, tightly veiled objects that look like vats for a brewery, or shrink-wrapped, oddly shaped components that are too big to fit inside a container are loaded on top, strapped to a flatbed, along with the occasional boat.

I wonder just who knows the contents of the myriad, mostly uniform containers? Do the various equipment operators and deckhands ponder these mysteries? Do they wonder just how many dead bodies, or kilos of methamphetamine are headed for Europe? (Or, am I reading too many thrillers and mysteries?) 

Did you know that container ships have a deck that, like a bifold closet door, opens up to allow several layers of containers to be stowed below decks? Having (mis-)perceived container ships as ungainly, top-heavy waddlers through the waves, my own sense of equilibrium was improved in seeing that a fair bit of the load was serving as ballast, below decks. 

And how true of life...we all need some ballast to rely on, as we negotiate the heavier seas of life. Faith, faith in something vastly bigger and more permanent than myself, outside of myself, helps give me a sense of stability.

May fair seas, following winds, and stable ballast be yours!


Friday, January 11, 2019

Ask, Seek, Knock.


It sounds so simple, doesn't it? But it doesn't take a lot of time to arrive at the notion that merely asking or seeking or knocking once is enough. I'm reminded of the woman who wouldn't give up on bringing her case before the judge...and he finally give in to her demands for a fair hearing because she didn't give up.

Simple to say, "Don't give up. Never say never. Persevere." The trouble is in actually persevering! Tolerating disappointment, day after day, feeling discouraged yet aware that the emotions don't alter the need to put the willpower in gear.

How often do your emotions keep you from persevering?

One of my favorite quotes about writing came from a British writer, who said that the most important ingredient in being a successful writer was, "bum glue." In short, you glue your bum to the chair and write. Don't feel like it? Tough, keep writing. Uninspired. Just keep writing and fix it, add sparks and fuel and fire later, just keep at it.

Jesus wants us to hang in there, fight the good fight, to remember Churchill's fiery speech every day, and "Never give up!"

"Fight the good fight of the faith to which you were called...." Paul told Timothy. "Never give up."

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Dancing in the Dark

I just read Derek Hough's biography-inspirational book: TAKING THE LEAD (2014).

This is sort of an executive summary mingled with my reactions and reflections:

Derek found himself driven by physical energy and by fear...
--where can the fear attack me?
--He found his way to overwhelm the fear was by just DOING! Life is NOT what happens to us, it's what we make of it.

Passion is not difficult: passion is that sense of "flow," of being "in the zone,"
[Or, says David: as my daily devotional suggested this morning--passion moves easily on the wind of the Spirit! It is when we're fighting the Spirit that we suffer severe headwinds. That's my experience!]

Kids act--adults analyze. Oops, then they over-analyze.
--impulsiveness is okay [granted, we need SOME kind of boundaries!]

Free yourself to have ideas, lots of ideas...[work/write/do a lot of things that may end up destined for the trash can...but having 15 crazy crummy ideas or 10 poor poems might just gestate one or two good ones, but we won't have any ideas if perfectionism keeps us paralyzed and over-analyzed! We dance our way out of the darkness by going, doing, being and living, and daring to fail and daring failure to try to stop us! I used to tell the patients whom I was counseling/coaching for habit disorders--"How did you learn to ride a bike...did you get on the first time and cycle around the block? Of course not! You got on and fell off. You got back on and fell off on the other side...over and over, until one day it all clicked! That's how we change, that's how we grow, and that's how we create.]

SEE the successes, don't visualize the failures.

Don't ask "Why?" ask, "Why not???"

Be an eternal student, always pushing to learn and grow.

I am created to create (p167), Derek says. [David adds, OF COURSE. We are created in the image of our Creator-God*. We have the mind of Christ**--of course we are creative! It is hellish perfectionism, self-hate, pride, envy of others, and the pursuit of boring, repetitive, mind-numbing TV that all stymie creativity.]

*Genesis 1: 26
**1 Cor. 2: 16