Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Chasing the Truth by All Means, Part 3...

I love science, and it pains me to think that so many are terrified of the subject
or feel that choosing science means you cannot also choose compassion or the arts, or be awed by nature. Science is not meant to cure us of mystery, but to reinvent and reinvigorate it.

Robert Sapolsky, WHY DON'T ZEBRAS GET ULCERS. p xii.


And...the same false dichotomy is drawn between science and Christianity. YES, one can do both, and, humbly speaking, I think they can both be done well. Case in point, Francis Collins, director of the Human Genome Project. I did find a reference to a few others, if yer interested.

And, many the scientific mind is captivated by the arts. As I write, there hangs on the wall to my right a vibrant painting in the Chinese ink-and-brush style by my friend, Phil Booth. A metals engineer. Cite your own acquaintances. A college roommate said his dad had to choose twixt pursuing career as concert pianist and surgeon. I started college not knowing whether to study biology or music or Spanish. So, I kept a coupla toes in the water with both other options as I delved and delighted in the mysteries of living creatures.

Okay, my main point here is that there's a lot of stereotyping:
--All Christians are mindless adherents to outdated, cultic belief systems.
--Scientists cannot have any integrity if they adhere to the Christian faith.
--The arts don't really matter, they don't have anything to do with truth, being products of the human imagination.
--add yours below....

Let's drop the stereotypes and try to do as Stephen Covey said, "Let's agree to listen to each other, until we understand each other...you go first."


(Me, practicing perspective.)